Articles by: Lou Benoist

STORIES.on going

Une lumière dans l’obscurité Atteints d’une maladie congénitale, Fernando et Hélène sont non-voyants depuis leur enfance. Ils se sont rencontrés il y a 15 ans et élèvent aujourd’hui leur fille, Lisa, 18 mois, voyante. Le regard des autres est violent, difficile à supporter et remet en cause leur responsabilité de parents. Coup de projecteur sur le quotidien d’une famille peu ordinaire qui trace un chemin peu banal. Né(e)s le 6 juin 44 Parce que la lumière n’a, a […]

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Il était normand par sa mère et breton par un ami de son père. – Alphonse Allais – Les Pensées Normandie, 1989-2016 Une vision de Saint-Aubin-Sur-Mer (pastel)

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contact 06 71 40 49 82 @picsandreports   Pics & Reports propose des reportages pour la presse et une offre visual content pour les entreprises – sur la terre et dans les airs. Une mission : la valorisation de l’information.   Une structure portée par : Photographe-Journaliste multimédia > Reportages en images (photos, vidéos) + rédactions d’articles de sociétés pour la presse (Vice, EQ mag, Grand Prix, Le Parisien, L’humanité, l’AFP…) + rédaction et conseils en web content (assurances, […]

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Testing the Elements

This is some dummy copy. You’re not really supposed to read this dummy copy, it is just a place holder for people who need some type to visualize what the actual copy might look like if it were real content. If you want to read, I might suggest a good book, perhaps Hemingway or Melville. That’s why they call it, the dummy copy. This, of course, is not the real copy for this entry. Rest […]

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Post with YouTube Video

This is some dummy copy. You’re not really supposed to read this dummy copy, it is just a place holder for people who need some type to visualize what the actual copy might look like if it were real content. If you want to read, I might suggest a good book, perhaps Hemingway or Melville. That’s why they call it, the dummy copy. This, of course, is not the real copy for this entry. Rest […]

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Post with Gallery

This is some dummy copy. You’re not really supposed to read this dummy copy, it is just a place holder for people who need some type to visualize what the actual copy might look like if it were real content. If you want to read, I might suggest a good book, perhaps Hemingway or Melville. That’s why they call it, the dummy copy. This, of course, is not the real copy for this entry. Rest […]

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Post with Slideshow

This is some dummy copy. You’re not really supposed to read this dummy copy, it is just a place holder for people who need some type to visualize what the actual copy might look like if it were real content. If you want to read, I might suggest a good book, perhaps Hemingway or Melville. That’s why they call it, the dummy copy. This, of course, is not the real copy for this entry. Rest […]

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Tanner + Daniel (Video)

This is some dummy copy. You’re not really supposed to read this dummy copy, it is just a place holder for people who need some type to visualize what the actual copy might look like if it were real content. If you want to read, I might suggest a good book, perhaps Hemingway or Melville. That’s why they call it, the dummy copy. This, of course, is not the real copy for this entry. Rest […]

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Wedding Decorations

This is some dummy copy. You’re not really supposed to read this dummy copy, it is just a place holder for people who need some type to visualize what the actual copy might look like if it were real content. If you want to read, I might suggest a good book, perhaps Melville. That’s why they call it, the dummy copy. This, of course, is not the real copy for this entry. Rest assured, the […]

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Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis

This is some dummy copy. You’re not really supposed to read this dummy copy, it is just a place holder for people who need some type to visualize what the actual copy might look like if it were real content. If you want to read, I might suggest a good book, perhaps Hemingway or Melville. That’s why they call it, the dummy copy. This, of course, is not the real copy for this entry. Rest […]

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